What if we could bring the 'energy' of a camp fire setting, right into your team meetings & board rooms?
What possiblities would emerge?
This was a conversation Floris Dekker and I were having yesterday after we returned from our latest session(s) at Gathering Natuurlijk. At our 'gatherings,' in nature we facilitate that people (leaders & teams) really meet / really connect with each other.... isn't this the basis for any 'meeting or gathering'?
However, our experience in business / organizational meetings is that we sit at long tables (often behind laptops) facing across at each other, in boardrooms there is often a hierarchical seating position.... in both spaces, we often dive in and create 'performance' energy.... the agendas are full, the speed is exhausting, the talk is power based advocating and the listening at best superficial..... we get to the end of the meeting wondering what was agreed and feeling happy to leave, before heading off to the next 'meeting'.
Around the camp fire, sat in a circle, in dialogue, we also sometimes create 'performance' energy,,,, to make decisions either individually or collectively where different voices and perspectives have been heard and then the decision made with commitment.
And we also create space for :
'Vision' energy,,, so that we can look forward, into the future to dream together.
'Wisdom' energy,,, so that we can reflect about what we have learnt from the past, and reflect what is emerging as we talk and think together during the dialogue.
'Citizen' energy,,, so that we can take time for all voices to talk and as the voices (people) talk they can actively think and create new ideas together.
Don't we also need these energies in our business / organizational context... surely we must create some space for Vision, Wisdom and Citizen as well as Performance energy.
Imagine what possibilities can emerge if we bring these different energies into our team meetings and board rooms?
Imagine the possiblities that will emerge?
NOTE 1: If you'd like to know more about Dialogue and camp fire conversations, Floris Dekker and I would love to discuss with you about this.
NOTE 2: The 'energies' we refer to above are from a Leading Energies model developed by the Academy of Professional Dialogue.
#campfire #nature #teams #leaders #meetings #boardroom #dialogue #energy